The Save Your Ash Fundraiser is Now Closed

Thank you for your interest in Save Your Ash!

We’re done fundraising for this year.

Wow! Thanks neighbors! You donated $7,318.79 to Save Your Ash, and GRO contributed $1,000 - this will likely allow us to have over 50 parkway trees in the neighborhood treated!

Over the coming weeks, you may see a worker from Davey Tree Care drilling several small holes into the base of your ash trees. This doesn’t hurt the tree, but it does allow them to inject an insecticide called TreeAge that will provide protection against the Emerald Ash Borer for up to three years. The insecticide is not harmful to other wildlife living in and around the tree.

We weren’t able to raise enough money this year to treat all the ash trees in the neighborhood, but we can at least make a dent in slowing the spread of the Emerald Ash Borer in the neighborhood. We will provide a map or list of trees that received treatment at a later date. (Please note that treatment will not be spread out evenly across GRO. Many people had a specific tree they wished to be treated.)

Thanks again!

You helped us treat our trees in 2021

Thank you!

Neighbors donated $9,588.30, which was used to treat and protect all the ash trees in our boundaries from the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB). A total of 86 trees received a life-saving treatment in August 2021 which has kept them safe for the past 3 years.

You'll know a tree has been treated when you see the new silver tag nailed on the street side of the tree. The charm indicates the year of treatment (likely 2021) among other information.

We will need to continually raise funds to treat our trees, however, each treatment ensures that our neighborhood maintains the mature tree canopy so many of us have come to appreciate. It takes a lot of time for a tree to grow as big as many of our ash trees, and keeping our ash trees alive gives our saplings time to catch up.

This picture shows the tunnels created by an emerald ash borer as it burrows under a tree’s bark.

This picture shows an ash tree receiving an injection of TreeAge, the insecticide that protects it from emerald ash borers.

Become a Volunteer!

Do you have 2-3 extra hours per month? We need neighbors to help with any of our events, including the annual summer party, garage sales, and holiday drives.

Email GRO Events to find out how you can help.

No time to volunteer? You can still help by becoming a member. Membership dues are the donations we need to keep doing what we do.